Saturday, August 2, 2008

I love this Place!

We live 15 minutes away from a fruit farm that allows you to come and pick fruit, veggies, and even Christmas trees on your own. They give you a little hayride on the back of a tractor to each spot and you pick your food and just pay for it by the pound.


Courtney said...

wow, so how many pounds of christmas trees did you get?

Niels and Kayla said...

im so excited they have peaches now, im going!

Sarah said...

Oh that looks SOOO good! How many times have you guys been? It seems like this is the hot spot out there. That's a ton of peaches...did you eat them all?

Niels and Kayla said...

im going to miss that place so much!

Kadan, Trish, J, and Miles said...

Megs... that looks so fun!! and I love that you have Banana Pancakes on here... that song always reminds me of you!

NickandCarly said...

Megan! I'm so jealous of all the fun things you did this summer! You were close to so many cool places! I wish Charlotte was more like that. I also wish our hubbies still worked together! I can't wait to see your new house! We have to get together soon! Call me!

Ben and Andria said...

Well I found your blog! It will be good to be able to keep in touch. Looks like you guys had fun this summer.

The Mills said...


Hey cute blog! I am glad I found it!

jakeychucky said...

Hey Shaw's How are you guys? Doesn't look like you come on here often but I hope to see more pictures soon! I hope we can hang out again soon too!!!!

Erin said...

Megan, you haven't updated your blog in 3 months! I want to hear how the special ed program is going. Do you like it?